Sunday, February 3, 2019

Southwest Dip

This recipe was given to me by my friend, neighbor and co-worker Pat Fritz. I laugh because she wrote this recipe on a pink "Important Message" pad from the office. Pat is no longer with us. Thank you Pat for leaving this recipe with me, it is a crowd pleaser.

1 block of cream cheese
1 can chili
Shredded Cheddar cheese

Place cream cheese and chili in a dish, microwave until mixture is smooth and blends well together. Sprinkle Cheddar cheese on top and microwave until cheese is melted on top. Serve with your favorite corn chips etc.

It's that simple.


  1. The using the cheese as an indispensable ingredient for this dish turned out to be quite interesting. The result was expected due to this.

  2. hi linda, this dip is a feature at inspire me monday on my rebranded blog, everyday edits! thank you for sharing! laura

  3. Your dip recipe looks delicious! Hope you have a great Valentine Week and thanks so much for sharing with us at Full Plate Thursday!
    Miz Helen


Always love to hear from you...have a sweet day.