Sunday, March 3, 2024

Fed Up & Frustrated


In all you are facing, in the constant barrage of things to get done and people to care for, all while juggling your own mental health and deep loneliness, Jesus sees you.
Oh friend, we get so busy running from one activity to the next, trying to keep everything going, and we worry that if we stop for even a moment, it will all come crashing down. But today we want to remind you that God doesn’t love you for all you can get done. He doesn’t wait to condemn you if you’re struggling through a day. He loves you and He wants to offer you the rest your soul needs.
Jesus tells us in His Word, “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28) If you are feeling weary and burdened today, this is for you, and He promises that He will give you that deep soul rest you really need.
In your frustration…He loves you.
In your weakness…He loves you.
In your overwhelm…He loves you.

Friend you have been prayed for.

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