Sunday, June 26, 2022

Season of Waiting


Friend, I hope and pray that you will join us over the next eight weeks for What a Mess: How God Can Bring Good Out of Any Situation, A Study of the Book of Judges. Judges is going to show us some messes. But it is going to teach us so much through them. Gifts are great but they're never greater than the fruit. Having more talent than we have character is a recipe for a mess. So our goal this week is to just slow down. Make sure your gifts are not outrunning your character. And if God has you in the season of waiting, trust that He's doing an important work in you. The growing of fruit is not easy or fast, but it is a beautiful work. So let's just take just a moment to ask God to focus our minds, our hearts, our ambitions and our desires, on walking and growing with Him.

-Kayla Ferris #First5

What one thing can you do to slow down this week?

First 5 is an online Bible Study, feel free to drop in anytime.


What a Mess: How God Can Bring Good Out of Any Situation, A Study of the Book of Judges

A free eight-week study in the First 5 app starting June 27.

In the book of Judges we see God take messy people and a messy nation and raise up leaders. We see that each and every mess they got themselves into, God was always there — and out of the mess, God brought something SO good.

He brought us JESUS from those messy people!

So what are you facing right now? What mess is keeping you up at night? Does it feel hopeless?

Can we remind you that we serve a great big God?

There is no mess too big for Him to bring good out of it.

Get my study guide

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