Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Pray For A Friend


If you’re struggling to pray for a friend today, borrow these words…

Lord, today I lift up my friend in prayer. While life hasn't been the easiest for them, I trust that You will meet their needs. Lord help me to be an extension of your loving kindness and generosity toward them during this difficult season. And when words begin to fail them, help me to intercede in prayer on their behalf. (Romans 12: 12-13)
Help me to be sensitive to their pain, gentle in my response to what they’re going through, and patient with their availability as they navigate the unknown. (Ephesians 4:2)

Lord, help me to reassure them that you hear her cries and prayers and you have not forsaken them. (Psalm 6:6) Amen.

Save this prayer for your friend facing difficult life circumstances. Let this prayer be the encouragement or reminder that they don’t have to face hard things alone.

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