Saturday, July 30, 2022

I Choose To Trust You God


"Over the history of our world, humanity has offered up a number of solutions, deities, potions, crystal balls, and formulas for affecting good outcomes in our life. But there's only one solution that involves the Creator of the Universe leaving heaven to bodily walk inside every ache a human faces, and then letting us carry His Spirit inside us as both a comfort and compass. He has His eye on the sparrow, and He has His eye on you." - Jennifer Dukes Lee

Today, some of you woke up with swirling thoughts of uncertainty and worry, even anguish.
You had high hopes for what you wanted this next week/month/season of your life to hold, but it's feeling up-end-y and off-kilter at the moment.
These are the tender moments that have you sighing at the kitchen sink, crying in the shower, and anxiously twirling your hair at the stoplight.
Choosing to trust God in moments like these is not an act of weakness. In our do-it-yourself culture, you would be applauded if you decided to fix it single-handedly and then charge down the path you've charted in your mind.
The bravest act looks a lot like surrender, laying down our ideas of what life is supposed to look like. Bravery looks like bringing Him both your tears and your trust. Bravery looks like letting Him steady your shaking hands in His.
Over the history of our world, humanity has offered up a number of solutions, deities, potions, crystal balls, and formulas for affecting good outcomes in our life. But there's only one solution that involves the Creator of the Universe leaving heaven to bodily walk inside every ache a human faces, and then letting us carry His Spirit inside us as both a comfort and compass.
He has His eye on the sparrow, and He has His eye on you.

Here's a prayer for you to pray today, and I am praying it with you:
Dear God,
Sometimes I have no idea where
you are leading me, but I will
choose to trust the plans you
have for my life anyway.

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Always love to hear from you...have a sweet day.