Sunday, March 31, 2019

Celebrate Other Women

The world recently celebrated international women’s day. Becky Keife writes: I can’t stop thinking about what it looks like to really celebrate other women. Not how the world might do it, but how we are called as followers of Christ to build up our sisters. I think it might look like this:

Find a woman to walk with.
Find a woman to champion.
Find a way to hold her up and spur her on.
Be the woman who cheers the loudest.
Be the woman who calls out the good.
Be the one who bends low, forgives freely, and gives from the overflow of all that’s been given to her.

Find a friend to adventure with.

Find a friend who helps you take risks.

Look for ways to invite someone along, to fold them into what you’re already doing.

Be a woman who lifts up, advocates boldly, and brings out the best in others.

This is how we become the mothers and mentors, business women and ministry leaders, wives, daughters, and neighbors God designed us to be. We thrive in intentional, adventurous, sacrificial, heartfelt community.

We are women, and we’re better when we journey together.

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