Sunday, February 25, 2018

Who Can We Trust

Who can we trust in our lives? Is there someone who sticks out as faithful and true? It's impossible in our fallen nature to never let anyone down. But what about God? We know God is supposedly faithful. But what if the circumstances change? What if we mess up or are unfaithful? 
Our God is the same today as He was then. He is faithful and true. What He has promised, He will do. Even when we have been unfaithful.
He was faithful then, and He is faithful now. Our God has proven He can be trusted.
- Kayla Ferris

1 comment:

  1. AMEN SISTER! It is amazing to think about God's unending faithfulness, His mercies that are new every morning. I fail sooo much in learning to trust Him, but I am thankful that He leads my weak heart back to Him over and over again.


Always love to hear from you...have a sweet day.