Sunday, December 3, 2017

Today's Assignment

All too often we find ourselves doing many things, pouring ourselves out for God, but not really spending time getting refilled by God. We run at a breakneck pace to try and achieve what He wants us to slow down enough to receive. And then we sit and wonder why we feel like nothing more than an exhausted shell of a person.
Fullness comes when we remember to be with Him before going out to serve Him.
Dear Lord, I'm choosing to stop in the midst of everything just to be with You. Remind me of Your love. Refuel me with Your power. Refresh me with Your presence. And let me never forget what a gift it is to spend this sacred time with You.
Lysa TerKeurst #First5

I so need to remember that I need to slow down and be refilled by Jesus daily. That is one of the reasons I love First 5 devotions. I also find Christian radio helps me through out the day to keep me encouraged and focused on what is good and right.   

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