Sunday, May 10, 2020

Encouraging Moms

Motherhood is hard work. 
You start out cradling this tiny, amazing human that is completely your responsibility. Then you find yourself running after little chubby toddler legs as they sprint as fast as they can toward the most dangerous thing in the room. This stage is soon followed by the “I can do it myself” phase, where you find yourself constantly cleaning up spilled milk and scraping glue off the floor. And, that’s only the beginning! Because, then the little tiny human decides to keep growing and growing until eventually he or she becomes a grown man or woman - and how are we supposed to handle it when all of a sudden we have no say in their lives? It’s just hard.

We encourage you to lift up all the moms in your life - from the one you call “mom” to your friends, co-workers, sisters, neighbors and so on and so on.

What is your favorite way to bless a new Mom?

Have you found a good way to comfort the overwhelmed mothers in your life?

How would you comfort a friend who recently lost her Mom?

Do you have a friend who has felt the pains of empty nest syndrome? 

Do you have any friends who have strong feelings of mother’s guilt?

Do you have any friends who have symptoms of Perfect Mom Syndrome, feeling as if they’ll never be worthy enough to parent?

For ideas please continue to read HERE

A Mother's Love HERE

Happy Mother's Day

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Always love to hear from you...have a sweet day.