Sunday, July 18, 2021

What To Eat 7/18 thru 7/31

  What To Eat

Menu for 7/18 thru 7/31

Recipes from Poinsettia Drive and other great bloggers & sites.

National Baked Bean Month
National Culinary Arts Month
National Hot Dog Month
National Ice Cream Month
National Picnic Month
National Pickle Month

July 20
National Ice Cream Sundae Day
National Lollipop Day
Fortune Cookie Day
July 21
National Creme Brûlée Day
National Junk Food Day
Official* Hot Dog Day
July 24
 National Coffee Milkshake Day
National Chicken Wing Day

July 31
National Raspberry Cake Day
National Cotton Candy Day

14 Wonderful Recipes

See you back on What To Eat 8/1

Till then

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